IT Fundamentals_2023

This badge was issued to SRISHTI SHARMA . on Jun 20, 2023

IT Fundamentals_2023
IT Fundamentals_2023

Issued by Tekstac

IT Fundamentals

Course description

By completing "IT Fundamentals", You will be able to implement conditions, iterations and Arrays in a Pseudocode for a given problem statement.

Badge description

This badge holder demonstrated to have an adequate knowledge of IT Fundamental concepts. The earner will be able implement conditions, iterations, and arrays in pseudocode as well as delve into the features of Agile and its benefits. Be able to describe the object-oriented principles (OOP) of abstraction, encapsulation, hierarchy, polymorphism, modularity, typing, and persistence and understand the distinction between layered and tiered design.

Badge has been issued by Tekstac team.

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